My Bucket List- things to do before I die
Get a PhD in a field of interest
Slide down a sand-dune on a laminated world map
Run a full marathon
Do B.F.T.D. for at least 10 ancestors-current
Have an art piece put in a public art museum
Publish a CD with my piano songs on it-current
Publish a philosophic novel
Publish a fantasy novel-current
Publish a religious novel
Have an article published in the Ensign
Start a magazine called "Renaissance Woman"
Publish a book of poetry-current
Draw a series of cartoons- current
Direct an action movie
Learn karate or judo
Be able to do the splits
Build a giant sandcastle
Film said sandcastle getting destroyed slowly by the waves
Sleep in a snow cave that I built
Plant a kumquat orchard
Live in Washington D.C. for at least a month
Go to Egypt and sail part of the nile
Go to Easter Island and have an Easter Egg hunt with family
Be able to hold my breath for a whole 2 minutes
Take out a patent on a household item that I invented
Eat chinese food for a month
Hike Mt. Olympus in greece
Fly first class on an airplane by invitation
Recreate a Mona Lisa using Jello
Dive in a vat of Jello
Find my way out of a hedge maze in Great Britain
Be serenaded on a gondola ride in Venice
Cross the Delaware river in a rowboat
Speak 3 languages fluently
Be married in the Temple
Order pizza over the phone-complete
Ride a cow
Go on an LDS Mission
Find a cave behind a waterfall
Camp out on an island in the middle of a lake
Be nominated for a Nobel prize
Watch all the Pride and Prejudice movies ever made all in a row
Get atleast 5,000 hits for a YouTube flick by me
Name stars after all my Kids
create a purple marigold
start or fund a library in another country
teach english in another country
Eat dango in Japan
Sit under a Japanese blanket table
Mormon skinny dip under a full moon ;)
Kiss the guy I love in the top of a tree
Spend 100 dollars in one trip all on different kinds of cheese
Make my own kind of cheese
Take pictures of 100 sunsets and make a photo book- current
Be in a band- complete
build a house in a rock wall or at least live in one for a couple of days
Make a three point shot 10 times in a row- current
Win a game of racketball-current
Create a rain shadow
Visit Tillamook Oregon
Visit the Sea of Galilee
Get up on waterskis and actually ski
Catch a fish- complete
Kayak a level 3 rapid
Read Jesus the Christ all the way through
Crack a coconut
Have a Luau and roast a pig Hawaiian style
Have a mud fight- complete
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