I am taking a Web Business class this semester and for it we are required to keep a blog journal. So here it be.
Lyn Pettits Book of Remembrance
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
My Family
Me and My Mom at My Graduation
John, Dad, Mom, and Ben at restaurant in California.
Foreground: John, Alissa, Mom, Background: Shauna, Ben, Andrew, Dad.
At our favorite staycation place... Boondocks.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Personal History
Personal History:
I am really not that good at talking about myself so I have compiled some things that I have written and what other people have written about me. I’ve also snagged a couple things from my blog which acts as a journal for me. Here is just a broad background about me. I love to read and write. I also love to draw, especially cartoons. I feel most at ease when in solitude or chilling with my family. My strongest emotion is probably satisfaction if you can count that as an emotion. Yes its really passive I know. But I like to be satisfied. I am most satisfied when surrounded by those I love. It is really nice to know that there are people who love you no matter how crazy or stupid you are. My family has got my back. That makes me satisfied. I don’t know what else to say. Um I grew up watching Arthur and Barney and The Magic School Bus. When I was younger I always carried around my baby blanket Nunu. Oh and I used to suck my thumb. I got my first pair of glasses in Kindergarten and I remember a kid named Brian O. Who chased me into the coat rack calling me four eyes. I had a elementary teacher once say about me that she could have rolled bowling balls down the isles of desks and I still wouldn’t have heard her or paid attention in class. I was always reading. Always. Elementary school seems like it was a totally different life from where I am now. It seems like it never really happened.
Here is one of my favorite poems that I’ve written.
The Pipeline
It stretched as far as I could see.
By piece
Disappearing at the edge of the barren wasteland
bordered by blue-gray mountains
that promised release from the dry sun
There it lay
Like a giant gray snake
The giant gray snake of the Californian wilderness
I walked along the snake’s back
One step
Then another
Each gently positioned against the hot metal
My arms outstretched
In an attempt to stay perfectly in the center of the long cylinder
There I trod
Like a silent wanderer
The silent wanderer of the Californian flats
This pipe
Hot on my hands
As I climbed back upon it’s slippery back
This life
Hot on my heart
Waiting for me to balance again
There I learned
Like a fledgling bird
The fledgling that learned to fly in the Californian desert
Here are some of my blog posts.
This is a letter I wrote to my Dad
Oh I just wanted to share something with you concerning Family History and my testimony. Remember when I got my Patriarchial blessing and how it mentioned that I would have concern for those on the other side of the veil and be able to make a great contribution in the temple and for family history. I honestly feel so satisfied and peaceful when I am working on this class. In my gut I know this is what I am supposed to do. It is such a wonderful feeling. My life is so up in the air and crazy and there are so many decisions that I have to be making daily, and it is so nice that there is something so simple that makes me feel like I am moving the work of the Lord forward. My testimony in my patriarchal blessing has gotten even stronger than before. Anyway. Love you tons and it will be fun to show you what I learn.
Ten things to do on a Friday Night besides going on a date...
1. Dance around in your room singing One Republic songs to your hearts content.
2. Eat an entire pizza... BY YOURSELF... or with your best friend.
3. Write a letter a sibling.
4. Blog.
5. Sing girls camp/boys camp songs till you get annoyed.
6. Find free music online and learn a new song.
7. Push your couches together and pretend like you are on an adventure going down the amazon, and then a crocodile jumps out of the water and tries to eat you, so you fight it off, only to discover you have floated into a area with deadly paranas and river monsters, after hitting several fish over the head with your paddle you find yourself on a quiet stretch... almost too quiet.... SUDDENLY a native tribe emerges from the forest around you and threatens you with spears, usually they are not that scary a people but they just happened to mistake you for the last strange person who had traveled through their village who had stolen their tribal treasure ... a radio... after they got a better look at you and realized you were not the same person, you described to them the wonderful object that is an ipod, and being the kind hearted person you are, you give them yours with your mini speakers and makeshift battery that keeps your ipod going in the middle of nowhere without a charger, the tribes people are so grateful that they show you an ancient temple that just happens to hold an ancient alien space ship (Indiana Jones anyone) and because you are so technologically advanced (and secretly an alien) you pilot the ship back to your little apartment in the middle of normalville. The End.
8. Buy a new ipod... and mini speakers.
9. Paint a picture.
10. Make friends with a boy so next Friday you can go on a date.
The Future
I am going to take a moment today to ponder the future. Here is my thought process.
Right now is the future compared to what I just typed. Is it really worth thinking about the distant future if I am not going to be in it. But then what about my children and their children, I want their life to be just as amazing and free and challenging as mine has been.
It will be interesting to see what will be new in the world by the time I'm 80 though for some reason I feel like I'm not going to live that long. Hmmmm. Thats kind of gloomy. Nope I'm going to live to be 100 and then I'm going to pull the plug on myself because there is no point in living if you can't LIVE. Just kidding. I'd probably spend that time torturing my grandkids with purposfully boring stories about a goldfish just to see their reactions. He he he he beware future generations. I shall bore you to tears and then make you cry even more when the goldfish dies. Mwa ha ha ha ha!
Now onto a more serious note....
Eternal Truths- things that I believe will never change no matter what happens in the future....
Confusion- Its okay. Everyone will be confused at one point or another. Its incurable. Ha ha good luck.
Poor comunication between Men and Woman- no comment :)
Chocolate- it can only get better. ;)
Hope- Always. Even if there is nothing left this will still be there.
Faith- God exsists. Its true. Even when it doesn't seem like it he will be there watching out for you cause he loves you. Trials are but a small moment that if endured bring you closer to him. He wants you to come home so why would he impede your growth.
Love- human beings are capable of great love. This doesn't necissarily have to be romantic love we're talking about either. Love of a friend or sibling or pet is just as real and maybe even more important.
subnote for this one--- Heartbreak- Sad but true. If there is the capacity for love then there is always a capacity for heartbreak. Possibly the worst part is if someone does something really wrong and it ends up hurting them. I hate watching people hurt themselves.
Charity- No matter how corrupted the world may become I believe that there will still be people in the world that understand this quality and will use it. The greatest joy in life will come from helping others, but good deeds shouldn't be done to make you feel good (it can start that way though). They should be built as a habit and should just happen. See a need fill the need. Make it a reaction.
Parenthood/Family- Even if the Family as an organization gets broken up or changed people will still cling to those they have a connection with. (I never thought, growing up, that I would miss my family this much. They truly do things for you emotionally that no other person can fill. I can talk to my Mom for an hour about absolutely nothing while she is cooking and I am doing homework and afterwards I feel like I had a huge breath of fresh air. Family is essential to well being.)
Thinking about the future- again no comment ha ha ha ha
I don't know. Brain cramp. Add to my list all the general things and emotions that will obviously be around as long as there are people in the world.
You know what! Even if mankind went extinct because of Aliens taking over the world I think that the Aliens would look back at what we have done and at least one would be impressed and implement some of our amazing qualities.
Movies and media always focus on how bad human kind is, how we've ruined our planet, started wars, hated each other, how we are impulsive and selfish. But you know what?! We are pretty dang awesome. Look at how many wars we've stopped, gardens we've created, love and relationships we've built that last for eons, and look at how kind and selfless we can be to each other. Look at what we have accomplished in the last couple of thousand years. We have built boats, cars, ipods, printed millions and millions of books, written a gagillion poems, loved and celebrated love, laughed, worked, created homes, helped save species, seen the bottom of the ocean, flew and etc. etc.
We are amazing and the best part is we learn from our mistakes and move forward in the best way we can. We are not perfect but our goal is to draw near unto it. I wish someone would make a movie about the world growing better not worse in the future. There will always be the bad but hopefully the good won't let it take reign of our future. We WILL solve the problems we create, and new problems will always arise, but we will solve them too and we will grow and learn in the process. That is the whole point of living, it is to learn and grow.
I'm tired now so I am going to go to bed. Goodnight world. Be a little bit better when I wake up. I look forward to greeting a better day.
p.s. Once upon a time there was a goldfish named Moscow. He was small and had a black stripe on his forhead. For hours on end he would swim around his trippy fish bowl. Swim swim swim *ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION SPENCER JR.* Swim swim swim and around his fish bowl he went........
My Parents wrote this for a Young Woman’s Camp thing.
Katelyn is like a Butterfly because:
She flies to great heights.
Her room is like a cocoon, then she comes out in all her beauty!
While in cocoon, she likes to read!
She is beautiful.
She flies wherever she wants to go; she doesn’t blow in the wind.
She is creative with lots of fun colors.
Butterflies come from caterpillars,
and caterpillars eat everything, like Katelyn.
She bugs me.
She’s a true insect because she likes to bug her brothers.
She is sweet and tender with Christ-like love.
She doesn’t move when she sleeps.
She is unique as each butterfly is unique.
She likes flowers and herbs.
She flits all over, busy bringing smiles to all.
When she comes in a room, we are always excited to see her.
She has beautiful colors with which she paints beautiful paintings with.
She’s flighty like a blond butterfly.
It’s a rare occasion that I can see her.
She is morphing into a beautiful woman.
John and Ben stick pins and needles in her to annoy her.
She adds life to a landscape scene.
She is a smart butterfly and avoids bright lights.
She’ll be a great catch someday for somebody.
He better be fast with a net.
Hey, Gorgious!
WE LOVE YOU! Your fam
July 6, 2009
Dear Katelyn,
What a wild and crazy school year we all have had. You have learned so much, academically and personally ad spiritually. We admire your determination to follow the Savior and seek after good things. Seeking the Lord and good things is a life skill that will bless you ALL your days. (But you already knew that! Way to go!)
We want you to know that we love you and we are grateful to be your parents, even
though we all drive each other crazy at times!!!! You are a sharp girl that thinks and
plans and looks ahead. This is another great quality you have. We pray that you
will always continue to be honest with yourself. You are very good at talking sense,
even when you are right and I am wrong! This is a gift that you brought with you
to earth.
We appreciate you creative abilities and talents. You are developing them to
serve others, which is the whole point, isn’t it! You are awesome!
We shall never forget the very special time we shared with you receiving
your patriarchal blessing. Remember the Spirit and the wonderful embraces we
shared out by the car. That was such a special time. You grew 10 feet that day.
Thanks for being a child that gave us that experience.
One more year at Olympus and you will burst forth from your cocoon and soar!
We can’t believe how fast time is flying and how grown up you are already. Thank you
for all your help at our home. It is a family home. It is a good family home. It is a HOME. Please forgive us for being your parents and human. We know we drive you bonkers, but we do love you dearly. You are our Katelyn Rose!
Have a great time and continue to remember who you are. . . a light to so many young ladies up there in those beautiful mountains. The Lord loves you and appreciates your goodness too!
See you at the end of the week,
Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Mom and Dad
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ancestral Histories- Edwin Alfred Pettit
My great great grandpa was Edwin Alfred Pettit. He was born the 16th of February 1834 in Hempstead Queens New York. I remember as a kid my Dad telling me a story about Edwin and how he became a pioneer. When he was 12 years old he was living in Navoo with his gaurdian and siblings. His older sister was married and when the saints started leaving Navoo to head West she and her family where going as well. Edwin didn't want to get left behind so he snuck away from his guardian and went to the camp where his sisters family was staying. The next morning his gaurdian and brothers came and found him and brought him back to the gaurdians home. Edwin then made an aquantance who promised to lead him back to his sisters camp. Edwin snuck out of the home right under his gaurdians nose and they headed off toward the camp. The next day in order to avoid detection Edwin wore a bonnet and dress and pretended to be a girl. When his gaurdian and brothers came looking for a young man who had entered camp they couldn't find him. And so, that is how Edwin Alfred Pettit was able to travel across the plains with his sisters family and join the saints in Salt Lake. If he hadn't have come with the saints than he probably would never have met his wife and our family wouldn't be as it is now.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Ancestral Histories- Thomas Pettit
Thomas Pettit (son of Henri Pettit) was born in Widford England around 1609. He was one of the Puritan emigrants that came over in 1630 on The Talbot one of seventeen ships lead here by John Winthrop for religious freedom. He was granted a plot of land in Boston at the exact area were the capitol of Massechucetts now stands. Thomas came to America for religious freedom but when the Puritan way of life grew stricter and laws where made that you pretty much could only be puritan and not another religion Thomas didn't agree. He was a sympathizer with Anne Hutchenson and soon after her banishment from Massechussetts his family was as well with a group of others who thought the same way.
I think it is cool that I have a anscester who wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in. My younger brothers middle name is Thomas after this Thomas. I hope that he will be just as courageous and full of integrity.
I think it is cool that I have a anscester who wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believed in. My younger brothers middle name is Thomas after this Thomas. I hope that he will be just as courageous and full of integrity.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Bucket List
My Bucket List- things to do before I die
Get a PhD in a field of interest
Slide down a sand-dune on a laminated world map
Run a full marathon
Do B.F.T.D. for at least 10 ancestors-current
Have an art piece put in a public art museum
Publish a CD with my piano songs on it-current
Publish a philosophic novel
Publish a fantasy novel-current
Publish a religious novel
Have an article published in the Ensign
Start a magazine called "Renaissance Woman"
Publish a book of poetry-current
Draw a series of cartoons- current
Direct an action movie
Learn karate or judo
Be able to do the splits
Build a giant sandcastle
Film said sandcastle getting destroyed slowly by the waves
Sleep in a snow cave that I built
Plant a kumquat orchard
Live in Washington D.C. for at least a month
Go to Egypt and sail part of the nile
Go to Easter Island and have an Easter Egg hunt with family
Be able to hold my breath for a whole 2 minutes
Take out a patent on a household item that I invented
Eat chinese food for a month
Hike Mt. Olympus in greece
Fly first class on an airplane by invitation
Recreate a Mona Lisa using Jello
Dive in a vat of Jello
Find my way out of a hedge maze in Great Britain
Be serenaded on a gondola ride in Venice
Cross the Delaware river in a rowboat
Speak 3 languages fluently
Be married in the Temple
Order pizza over the phone-complete
Ride a cow
Go on an LDS Mission
Find a cave behind a waterfall
Camp out on an island in the middle of a lake
Be nominated for a Nobel prize
Watch all the Pride and Prejudice movies ever made all in a row
Get atleast 5,000 hits for a YouTube flick by me
Name stars after all my Kids
create a purple marigold
start or fund a library in another country
teach english in another country
Eat dango in Japan
Sit under a Japanese blanket table
Mormon skinny dip under a full moon ;)
Kiss the guy I love in the top of a tree
Spend 100 dollars in one trip all on different kinds of cheese
Make my own kind of cheese
Take pictures of 100 sunsets and make a photo book- current
Be in a band- complete
build a house in a rock wall or at least live in one for a couple of days
Make a three point shot 10 times in a row- current
Win a game of racketball-current
Create a rain shadow
Visit Tillamook Oregon
Visit the Sea of Galilee
Get up on waterskis and actually ski
Catch a fish- complete
Kayak a level 3 rapid
Read Jesus the Christ all the way through
Crack a coconut
Have a Luau and roast a pig Hawaiian style
Have a mud fight- complete
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